
Birthdate: 4/20/1985...Remember this, as it is a
day that will live in infamy..I also get really happy when people remember my birthday. You would do well
to mark this day on your calendars.
Height: 5'0" Not legally a midget, but people still ask me all
the friggin' time...and just for the record, we can all stop with the short jokes now--I got tired of them after 3rd
Zodiac Sign: Taurus...Aries/Taurus cusp, to be precise; rather fitting as I am both stubborn and fiery-tempered.
Other Interesting Facts:
1) I'm currently a student at UC, majoring in linguistics...most people
have no idea what the hell that is and ask what languages I'm taking. Coincidentally, most people are idiots.
Wait--is that really a coincidence?
2) I have a daughter, affectionately referred to as TJ, who was born June 22nd,
2003. Virgin birth, I swear....*rocks back and forth on heels innocently*
3) My hair changes almost as often as my mood...when
I get more pictures up on the site (particularly ones of myself), you'll see that it's undergone a few changes over the years.
It's evolving as we speak.
4) It might help you to know that I'm bisexual. Whether or not that really matters is up to you. Personally, I could
care less what you think of me.
5) I'm extremely phobic of social situations. If any of you has the terrible
misfortune of meeting me in person, rest assured that I probably won't talk to you unless you approach me first.
And just in case you were wondering....
I am pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-gay marriage, anti-SUV, etc. Basically, your average liberal flamer sans
the wishy-washy "love one another" rhetoric.
I love hockey--Nashville and Florida are my favorite teams, though Columbus is starting to grow on me as they're the
closest thing I have to a hometown team.
I love food. I guess I could be accused of gluttony, but we all knew I was going to hell anyway. Life is
just a set of continuous experiences, and if some of them are delicious, I will savor them ot the fullest.
I love books and reading. Taking me out to a bookstore is like propositioning me. Sit and critique books
we've read, and I'll be your love slave.
Anything else you'd care to know about me can be found on my LiveJournal info page (hop over to the Bedroom for the link)
or you could just email me. The address is posted around here a couple times if you care to look.
Always been a sucker for the ladies |

She's no exception |
C'est moi.... |

Does this picture make me look gay?...Sweet.... |