Ravens, ravens everywhere, but not a drop to drink. O finite individual that thou art, cease this affirmation. Words spoken; coming forth from lips bitter like lemon peels, lips bitten in passionate fervor. What am I to think? My only wish was that I would mean half as much to you as she did (or does). I thought myself somebody, once, a long time ago, but fairy tales? Who has reduced me to this? You sought perfection and found it when I became your body. Sarcasm in buckets, baby, pour it forth and push me away. No, I'm not crying, don't pretend you care. Fragments augmented of base happiness; will they feed your rage? Tell me how you really feel. You did not take what I willingly gave, and you know it. Stare at my quivering hands, waiting for sparks to fly. Bad karma: it does a body good! If only I could laugh, perhaps I would embody the sense of time. A compass would point only to me in my utter vastness. Do I dream of a perfect world? Therefore, avenge me, lest my worth be no more than that of a dead rose. Fate, truly you had something better in mind. HOME Back |