Pen in hand
stabbing at blank paper
Not angry,
just pissed off
that you think you see
so deeply into me,
thinking you can so easily
make another assumption.
This mind of mine
is not a closed book
but no open door;
thoughts of my conception--
never following
always leading--
standing guard
till you take your leave.
A butterfly's wings
signal the change
of a thousand other minds reborn.
we shall not carry this
burden you set upon our backs
any longer.
Fuck your shackles
and what you so condescendingly call
truth and liberty.
Eyes like daggers
cut open your core
and find something
much unlike blood
running through passages
far from resembling veins.
How human is justice
when its underlying motive
feeds the corpses of innocents to your ego?
Can you even hear them
when they scream?
Picture that
when you turn your back
and know that we've learned
to see through the distractions
you call patriotism.
No more speaking with forked tongues;
practice what you preach
for once
in your life,
and let he who is without sin
cast the first stone.
Daddy's gone.
We know you're wrong.
Pick your battles wisely,
and learn to fight them on your own.